All New Site for 2020!

Less than a week to the closing date for entry into the 2020 MacMillan Sneds Quiz but I couldn’t wait to share the new site with you all!

Towards the end of 2019 the existing site fell behind due to “technical issues”, (boo!), but this has spurred on the webmaster to create a whole new site (yay!).

The intention with the new site was to continue the mini-leagues but also facilitate the publishing of updates and articles by the every growing arm of new recruits that John has been working with this last year without the need of yours truly.

Tada! … well, 50% of the way there. Multiple authors under John’s watchful eye will now be empowered to publish articles.

Along with the new site comes some new functionality, subscriptions. The plan is for the site to automatically email you when one of our authors adds a new blog post so you can literally get it when it is ‘hot off the press’.

Sign up using the subscribe button on the right ….. >>>