Yes!After two nights burning the midnight oil,Webmaster Henry has given us all the chance to create our own 2020 mini leagues.

You have already arrived at may find you are already enrolled in a mini league.Welsh wizards is for quizzers living in Wales,North of the Border is for the Scots,Far from Home for those living outside mainland Britain.New Kids on the Block is for all 2020 debutants.

Want to set up your own for family,friends,people who work at your office,live in your town,drink in your pub?

Simple!It took a computer ignoramus like me less than a minute to set up the 17 strong Welsh Wizards league.

1)Click on the MINI LEAGUE header

2)Scroll through the current mini leagues till you find an orange lozenge CLICK HERE TO CREATE YOUR OWN MINI LEAGUE

3)You will be asked for your name(you will become MANAGER)your email,and your League name(wittier than mine please).The password is optional.

4)Tick from the LEAGUE MEMBERS menu below those you wish to play in your league and then press SUBMIT.

All this can be done in less than the time you took to read these instructions and you can see the results of your handiwork instantly.

Hope you are on top.