Grand National (Q6) News

Quiz HQ is now in lockdown with just the occasional flash of orange as local quizzer Emma Newall throws a bag of Sainsbury groceries over the garden wall.

Those still employed here(zero hours minions long gone with all the ruthlessness of a Weatherspoon’s boss) have a ten minute video  conference each morning to think about our beloved 270 quizzers

  • a)to front line NHS staff like Maggie H
  • b)to those whose jobs mean you still face the general public each day
  • c)those finding that home teaching with stir crazy kids missing their classmates is not such an easy job
  • d)those already battling health problems
  • e)the London quizzers at the eye of the storm f)those isolated from children, grandchildren you love, perhaps not old enough to know the wonder of WhatsApp
  • g)the self employed quizzers with government struggling to keep the wolves from your door

And so on and so on. Each of you 270 generous folk is on Quiz HQ worry list for whatever reason.

With only four questions decided,the 2020 quiz is in deep trouble with the administrators alerted. Another 12 questions and the tie break went this week with the Olympics postponed.

Quiz HQ is determined to award prizes in December come what may. We will have to be ingenious. Next Saturday the BEEB is running a CGI virtual Grand National pitting forty previous winners against each other. I propose to award Q6 points for the age of the horse they decide would win. Be by your telly.

To those who think this undercuts the integrity of the quiz I say Read the small print in the emergency Government legislation QUIZ HQ IS ALWAYS RIGHT EVEN WHEN ITS WRONG

Stay safe, stay sane. You are in our thoughts SNED

1 Comment

  1. Many thanks for keeping us cheerful. Times like this remind some of us how lucky we are with few of your listed worries and a lovely garden to self isolate in. X

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