However vigilant the Quiz HQ guards, every year some quizzers vault the perimeter fence and ,unlike Steve McQueen, make the Great Escape. Sadly, there are some notable absentees from the 2022 list. If you see a friend, colleague or relative missing, please pass on our thanks for past generosity. Fortunately we also had keen recruiters twisting arms, quizzers like the Taylors, the Gilders, Brian Daley, Eddie Cook and Mark Claydon among them so numbers are roughly the same.
The 2022 Prize Fund
1st £234,2nd £117,3rd £78 and Commonwealth Champion £39.
Even more exciting we have the inaugural ATLAS TROPHY for the quizzer holding up the League table in December which like the Pointless Trophy will surely be worth more than mere money, perhaps a collectors’ item at antique fairs. With the magic of database wizardry, we will publish the table right way up and upside down on the website www.snedsquiz.net .The last shall be first, the first last ,as Matthew tells us.
The first £1,000 of your donations has been sent off to Macmillan and when I have deciphered my March Bank Statement, I am hopeful that the final total will be almost double. It does not take a Vorderman to realize that this is only possible with your continuing and extraordinary generosity. If the buffoons in Quiz HQ have got it right(a first),you will have already been thanked in emails to be reinforced in December cards.
The first live league table will be published on the 21st February, Safe to say that the English Rugby team and the British Olympians have underperformed your expectations and Dutch speed skaters are over performing. Top of the medal table sees your favourites Germany and Norway well in the hunt and American correspondent Neil Dewhurst is all over Sunday’s Super Bowl.
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