24th August 2020 Quiz Master John 0

ON YOUR BIKES Two genuine if delayed quiz questions decided this month. The vast majority of quizzers decided on a former champion winning the snooker and so gained points. Very few chose a German winner of the Champion’s League but since these sages included Steve Davis, Bayern’s success was enough [ … click here to read more … ]


4th August 2020 Quiz Master John 1

THE KRAKEN WAKES The Macmillan Quiz lumbered back into life in the last few days, with a Cup final postponed from May and World Matchplay Darts, similar enough in format to replace fairly the cancelled October darts question. Quiz HQ has been lucky enough to tempt back two of our [ … click here to read more … ]


11th July 2020 Quiz Master John 0

Question 1 How many tries will England score v France in Six Nations Rugby? (2019=6)(2/2) 2 Will the winning Superbowl team come from AFC or NFC? (2019=AFC) (2/2) 3 Winning Nation in Women’s T20 World Cup?(8/3)(2018=AUS) 4 Number of lady jockeys in TOP 10 in Cheltenham’s Foxhunter Chase?(2019=2)(14/3) 5 Six [ … click here to read more … ]


11th July 2020 Quiz Master John 0

Remember the Macmillan Quiz? The Quiz HQ slaves have just returned from furlough for there are events on the horizon such as World Matchplay Darts, and marking answers and up dating the League table will be a nightmare. Next table will be published after the FA Cup Final. I enclose [ … click here to read more … ]

Prem back in Town

11th June 2020 Quiz Master John 0

Thanks to all those who suggested Champion’s League and Wimbledon clips. As an ex-goalkeeper, I was irresistibly drawn to a Jerzy Dudek save at a crucial moment of the 2005 Final. This was suggested by Freya Patel, astonishing since Freya has not yet seen her first birthday, and seconded by [ … click here to read more … ]

Hell, no!!

23rd April 2020 Quiz Master John 0

The big news. By cutting 2020 prize money by 30%,I have managed to send off £150 from you quizzers to NHS Charities, peanuts of course compared to Captain Tom. Thanks to those who suggested the thought- thanks to those who were not so sure but kept quiet. Clear already there [ … click here to read more … ]

Grand National (Q6) News

28th March 2020 Quiz Master John 1

Quiz HQ is now in lockdown with just the occasional flash of orange as local quizzer Emma Newall throws a bag of Sainsbury groceries over the garden wall. Those still employed here(zero hours minions long gone with all the ruthlessness of a Weatherspoon’s boss) have a ten minute video  conference [ … click here to read more … ]